RAW52 #8 and #18 - Loft Ring

Thursday, July 7, 2011 |
I just organized my RAW submissions on Flickr again. I am still a couple weeks behind with my weekly challenge but hopefully I am on a roll again for a couple more.
Here is a lofty ring I finished a couple weeks ago but never blogged about:


Playing with simple lofting for this wonky ring. It looks a bit like an endless worm.

I also sent out some designs for 3d printing at Ponoko. Not all modeled ring designs were suitable for printing. Some had areas that were too thin or the model was not clean.

This lofted design looks like this in 3d printed white ABS plastic and became my #18 RAW ring (sorry I am jumping ahead a bit).


It's probably not a design I will keep making more in the future but it was a nice experiment.
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